[COLLECTION] Fiche Objet

Ajouté le 05/09/2012
Disque (CD/DVD/BluRay/Musique téléchargée)


01 Incident 01
02 Survivors
03 Bedtime Story
04 Night And Day
05 Choppastyle
06 Thrash
07 Across Rooftops
08 Scorched Sands
09 Visitor
10 Try
11 He's a Radical Rat

A young boy trapped between warring nations stumbles through a time rift, and upon a terrible conspiracy spanning generations! He finds safety in the warm embrace of a tall, handsome vampire who helps him return home and shows him how to love again. But is there anything left of his world? virt answers this question, returning to his absurdly detailed progressive NES sound for a long-awaited 8bitpeoples debut. Don't feel bad about headbanging to chiptunes - just indulge. A double album by PRIESTCAVE, featuring these original tracks and fully produced arrangements, is also currently underway.

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